Green Cleaning Benefits


Many homes use traditional chemicals like bleach and ammonia to keep things clean. While these chemical based products work, they also pollute the atmosphere and can be extremely toxic for humans, our pets and even our plants. With more people becoming concerned with organic food and the health of the environment, the use of green cleaning products has also been on the rise. And the use of green cleaning products does not mean that homes are less clean. In fact, these products are just as effective at killing germs, and they leave behind no residue or fumes that could be harmful to anyone who uses them. Eco-friendly cleaning products are generally safe for pets and children, have a pleasant fragrance, and are nontoxic.

Green Cleaning Product Benefits

Not surprisingly, our awareness of green cleaning has coincided with humankind’s collective awareness of our impact on the environment and it’s manifestation of climate change, pollution, acid rain, waste disposal, deforestation, and others. Our conscious movement towards a more gentle impact on planet Earth is one of the benefits for green cleaning. Others benefits include the reduction of toxic fumes and accidental poisoning that occur from chemical based products, and the cost savings of green products versus traditional cleaning products.

Green products and the environment

Environmental impact from our product consumption plays out in the areas where we dispose of our waste. According to Recycling Revolution:

  • About one-third of an average dump is made up of packaging material!
  • Out of every $10 spent buying things, $1 (10%) goes for packaging that is thrown away. Packaging represents about 65% of household trash.
  • On average, it costs $30 per ton to recycle trash, $50 to send it to the landfill, and $65 to $75 to incinerate it.

These facts highlight both the waste quantities and the cost associated with that waste. The way in which green products mitigate this overwhelming pollution is by utilizing recycled materials for products purchased in store (of which the product packaging is recyclable too) and even eliminating packaging when the cleaning solution is made at home! Helping to reduce landfill waste is a major way in which green cleaning helps create a healthier Earth.

Beyond landfill, the environmental impact of cleaning products has an effect on our air and water supply. Chemical runoff, the direct result of chemicals like ammonia, chlorine bleach and other dangerous chemicals used in cleaning, is a dangerous environmental hazard. These chemicals can make their way into water sources and potentially harm our drinking water or ecosystems of the animals who live in or drink the water. Toxic elements such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are common place in household items and not only present a danger in terms of their material substances, but also create dangerous fumes that can be emitted into a home’s air. VOCs can exacerbate certain health conditions like asthma or create new diseases like cancer, liver and kidney damage.

Again, eliminating toxic cleaning products and reducing VOCs have a beneficial impact on our home environment and the resources we need to stay healthy.

The cost benefit of green cleaning

Green products generally cost less than their nonorganic counterparts. The initial purchase of green products can be more expensive, but they require less product to achieve the same results because of their high concentrations of solution and the requirement to add water to dilute them. Over time, people who switch to green cleaning save money because they don’t have to buy as much.

The savings isn’t only found because of concentrations, but is seen in the cost of producing green cleaning products versus traditional products. In fact, a research study found that Green products averaged less expensive in five of seven product categories, and were more expensive only for glass cleaners. Taken altogether, with 212 total products considered, the green products averaged $1.64/gal RTU compared to $2.39/gal RTU for conventional products”

Go Green For A Healthier Clean!

Green cleaning products use natural ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice to kill germs and break down grease. They generally have a pleasant smell instead of an overpowering chemical scent. Many green cleaning products are safe for pets and children as well as the environment; they leave behind no residue or harmful fumes and they don’t leak toxic elements into our water supply and effect what we drink and the animals that live in and depend on that water. Finally, they can be a cost efficient alternative to traditional cleaning products as they are usually found in high concentration forms that can be diluted or even better, they can be made from items you have at home (see our post about vinegar and baking soda cleaning)!

At MaidxChange we have teams that specialize in green cleaning. Let us help you with making the move to an eco-friendly home!